Synergy Dental in Gillette, WY, knows you have a lot to manage in your busy life. Kids, work, and a whole long list of life obligations. That’s why we want to make your load lighter with family dentistry.  

A family dentist can care for every family member, no matter their age, making it easier for everyone to be seen by a top-quality dentist in one convenient location. It’s just one way to make your busy schedule much more manageable. We have you covered, from grandma and grandpa to the littlest patients and everyone in between.

If you need an experienced and compassionate dentist in Gillette, WY, that can manage all your family’s dental needs. Call Synergy Dental Center in Gillette, WY today at 307 228 7117 (Gillette) 605 702 2533 (Sturgis) or schedule online.