Feel Like Yourself Again With Migraine & Headache Solutions in Sturgis, SD

There’s no reason to suffer from chronic headaches. At Synergy Dental Center, you’ll find migraine and headache solutions in Sturgis, SD that are right for you. With the help of Dr. Porter and his team, you can:

  • Experience relief from chronic pain
  • Stop relying so much on medication
  • Start your day with an energized feeling
  • Focus better at work or school

Find much-needed help at Synergy Dental Center. Call 605 702 2533 today to schedule an appointment.

Discover Comprehensive Solutions for Migraines & Headaches

As a holistic dentist and board-certified naturopathic physician, Dr. Porter doesn’t just take one symptom into consideration when offering you treatment. He considers your whole health and looks for the root of the problem when recommending treatments.

Our TruDenta® system is one of the best solutions for your migraine and headache issues. Many patients have enjoyed relief with this treatment method, and we’re confident you will too.

Here is what you can expect:

  • We’ll start out by performing a bite analysis to reveal any potential bite problems. This is very common for headache sufferers.
  • With a range of motion analysis, we’ll identify the exact problem areas.
  • Next, we’ll also examine your head and neck muscles.
  • Finally, we’ll also discuss your headache history to uncover possible origins for the pain

Once this examination has been completed, Dr. Porter will use these details to create a customized treatment plan for you. He may recommend one or more solutions such as:

  • Ultrasound treatment to increase blood flow which can reduce your headache pain
  • Trigger point therapy to treat knotted or tense muscles that can trigger your headaches
  • Electrocurrent treatment to stimulate your nerves, reduce inflammation, and increase your range of motion
  • Night Guard oral appliance to prevent teeth grinding or clenching, a common cause of headaches

Get help with our migraine and headache solutions with Sturgis, SD at Synergy Dental Center. Call 605 702 2533 for an appointment or online. Be sure to also get your next checkup scheduled to stay on top of your oral health!