Relieving Dental Anxiety Call Today For Comfortable Dentistry!
  • Cozy up with heated blankets & massage chairs
  • Choose from three types of dental sedation
  • Receive holistic dental care for total wellness

Trust Our Experts at Relieving Dental Anxiety in Gillette, WY

Are you someone who avoids trips to the dentist due to fear or anxiety? If you have not been to the dentist in a while because you were too scared or nervous to set up an appointment, you can count on our compassionate team. We make relieving dental anxiety in Gillette, WY a top priority.

At Synergy Dental Center, we go out of our way to make you feel right at home. You can relax with:

  • Heated massage chairs in private rooms
  • Warm water rinses and cozy blankets
  • TVs and soothing music to distract you during treatment
  • Three different dental sedation options to calm your nerves
  • Biologic, holistic dentistry that focuses on your overall health
  • Peace of mind about your future dental visits

Experience dental care from a team who puts your comfort first. Call Synergy Dental Center today at 307 228 7117 for an appointment. Be sure to ask about our sedation options!

Put Dental Fear Behind You

As scary as it might be for you, visiting the dentist routinely for cleanings and exams will help you avoid serious dental problems and more complicated procedures. We find and treat cavities and mild instances of gum disease in the early stages, long before you’d probably notice these issues at home. Getting your mouth nice and clean during your regular visits can help you build confidence about future appointments.

But starting on that path is easier said than done if you have dental anxiety. We offer effective strategies in calming the fears of our anxious patients:

  • Inhaled Sedation – You can take the edge off with laughing gas, a safe sedative for all ages that takes immediate effect and wears off quickly right after your treatment.
  • Oral Sedation – Reach a deeper state of relaxation with sedation in the form of a pill. We’ll prescribe it to you before your appointment so you’re calm just in time for treatment.
  • IV Sedation – This offers our deepest level of relaxation. It can help you remain completely at ease during lengthy or multiple procedures.
  • Comfort Amenities – You can feel right at home with our private rooms, heated massage chairs, warm water rinses, cozy blankets, and distracting forms of entertainment like TVs and soothing music.

To experience relaxing care, call us today at 307 228 7117 or schedule online for an appointment at Synergy Dental Center. We’re the experts at relieving dental anxiety in Gillette, WY.

Common Questions About Relieving Dental Anxiety

Can you help with relieving dental anxiety?

Yes, we would be more than happy to help you through your dental anxiety. Over the years, we’ve been able to help thousands of patients relax so they could receive much-needed dental care. Our staff is trained to be as calming and compassionate as possible, and they would love the chance to help you, too.

What can you do to relieve dental anxiety?

Dr. Porter and his staff will listen intently to your needs so we can understand how best to help you. We’ll answer any questions you have and proceed at a pace you’re comfortable with. In addition, you can choose from three levels of sedation so you can fully relax. We also have diversions in our private care rooms, such as TVs, to take your mind off dental work.

Are there steps I can take at home to relieve dental anxiety?

Yes, there are. We believe a comfortable dental experience begins before you ever reach our office. If you find yourself getting nervous beforehand, take a few slow, deep breaths, picturing yourself lying back comfortably in your dental chair. Then, when you’re in our office, you can use this same technique for any residual anxiety you might feel.

Why is relieving dental anxiety important?

Fear of the dentist can be so severe that a patient will not come into the office for decades at a time. Because oral health affects overall health, this person is likely suffering not only in their mouth but also in other areas of their body. It’s important that we find a solution for the fear so that every patient can remain healthy.