When you have a problem with a tooth, you can often fix it with a dental crown. In Sturgis, SD, you can get your dental crowns at Synergy Dental Center.

Call 605 702 2533 to make your appointment if you are having any of the problems mentioned below.

1. Broken Tooth

An injury can leave you with a tooth that has been damaged. A crown will make that tooth as good as new.

2. Decayed Tooth

Many times, we can fix your cavity with a tooth filling. However, a crown is a better option if that cavity is large.

3. Missing Tooth

A lost tooth can cause a lot of additional problems. To replace it, get a dental implant and attach a crown to fill that gap in your smile.

Call Synergy Dental Center in Sturgis, SD or schedule online. You can also call 307 228 7117 for our office in Gillette, WY.